Thursday, May 6, 2010


Just so everyone knows I may seem mad in these posts but that is hardly the case. I have a wonderful life I am very happy with even during the worst times. However, this blog is a way to get some of my thoughts out. So here we go!

I have to throw out that I have just had it with deception! I grew up wanted to be a magician and I achieved that dream. I still do magic from time to time and hope to get back into it since I have a steady job. But, magic and deception are completely different. Sure everyone is deceptive from time to time but true deception is a cruel thing. Not only do people deceive others, they deceive themselves. So many people I see deceive themselves by creating a false world that revolves around themselves. Then they suck others into this deception. What a way to live?!?! Sadly as this may be for some people life in this world would go on without you. So come out of the deception and see the bigger picture.

What is the bigger picture? We are not just living for this life. We are eternal beings and we choose what kind of being we want to become. So, start looking beyond yourself and look around at your fellow immortals. These are some of the people you will spend eternity with so consider your actions beyond yourself.

People fall roughly into two groups, those who believe in something and those who believe in nothing. My next few blogs will address this very issue and I have no doubt it will offend some, but give it a chance or at least comment if you disagree.

Until next time! Live like an immortal not and immortal fool.

1 comment:

  1. just wanted to say that clif and i have been reading your blog, and though it's quite odd (lol) i hope that this helps your vent your frustrations, as mine does. we are praying for you guys matter what is going on.
